Baaghi Bhojpuri Movie is an Upcoming Action, Romance, Drama film 2019. Baaghi Bhojpuri movie is directed by Shekhar Sharma and produced by Jayant Ghosh. This film will be made under the banner of J.R Production House Presents. Film muhurat happened in December 2018.
The Khesari Lal Yadav, Kajal Raghwani and Ritu Singh are playing lead roles in the film. here shared with you the complete star cast and crew, actors, actresses, Release Date, Box Office, News, Photos, Trailer Video, and Songs list.
In this post, we have also shared the latest poster of Baaghi Bhojpuri Movie featuring Kajal Raghwani and Khesari Lal Yadav. Find Shooting Stills Photo in HD quality for fans to download in their mobile or laptop devices. You can download these HD Khesari Lal Yadav Bhojpuri Film Baaghi Shooting Pics one by one by clicking on the image directly.
Watch Baaghi Bhojpuri Movie Official Trailer Full HD Video
Baaghi Bhojpuri Movie Shooting Stills
Baaghi Bhojpuri Movie Star Cast Crew Details
Movie : BAAGHI – Ek Yodha
Banner : JR Production House
Starcast : Khesari Lal Yadav, Kajal Raghwani, Ritu Singh, Prakash Jaish, Maya Yadav, Vinod Mishra, Ayaz Khan
Producer:Jayant Ghosh
Director: Shekhar Sharma
Music Director: Madhukar Anand
Lyrics:Kavi Pyarelal Yadav, Azaad Singh, Shyam Dehati
Choreographer :Sanjay Karve
Action:Heera Yadav
Writer:Arvind Tiwari
Music On : Worldwide Records