Nayak Bhojpuri Movie is an Upcoming Bhojpuri Action, Romance, Drama 2019 film. Nayak film is directed by Ramana Mogili and produced by Rochisri Movies. This film will be made under the banner of Rochisri Movies Presents. Film muhurat happened on 5th September 2018. The Pradeep Pandey Chintu, Pavani Reddy are playing lead roles in the film. We are here to brings Bhojpuri movie (Nayak) complete star cast and crew, actors, actresses, Release Date, Box Office, News, Photos, Trailer Video, and Songs list and more latest information in one place.
Nayak Bhojpuri Movie Details:-
Release Date:– March 2019
Genre: Drama, Romance
Shooting Locations: Hyderabad and Other Cities in India
Nayak Cast (Actor and Actress Name) Details:-
Actor:- Pradeep Pandey Chintu
Actress:- Pavani Reddy
Nayak Crew Members Details:-
Directed by: Ramana Mogili
Producer by: Rochisri Movies
Story/Writer by: Rajendra Bharadwaj
Music Director: Madhukar Anand
Lyrics: N/A
Action: N/A
Editor: N/A
Dance Master: N/A
Banner: Rochisri Movies Present
Singers:- N/A